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Millions learn facts, switch to safer nicotine products despite anti-vaping

Millions of consumers globally are switching from combustible cigarettes to

Consumers from various countries unite to end global smoking scourge

Consumer groups from various countries emphasized the need for collaboration

Vape law key to curbing illicit trade, youth access in

VAPE REGULATION. Industry stakeholders express their support for the implementation

Proper regulation to prevent youth from vaping, says expert

The proper regulation is more effective than prohibition in preventing

Heated tobacco manufacturer gets Philippine Standard licenses 

In line with the regulation requiring mandatory product certification of

Sweden on track to become smoke-free with shift to alternative

A landmark study suggests Sweden’s dramatic reduction in smoking rates

Scientific evidence proves vapes are less harmful than cigarettes

Vaping is far less harmful than smoking, according to scientific

Philippines among ASEAN countries suffering from illicit cigarette trade

The Philippines is one of several Southeast Asian nations grappling

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